
Create a new account

An 8 number sequence sent by email

We offer housing to students nominated by Uppsala University. Nominated students will receive an e-mail from UUHO at the latest May 15th / November 15th with a registration code. You can register an account as soon as you get the registration code from us, but the application form is only open between May 15th to 31st (Fall semester) / November 15th to 30th (Spring semester).

The housing guarantee is for one housing offer only. If the offer is declined, the guarantee is exhausted.

You can apply as a vacancy applicant if you're not a nominated student.

All international guest researchers, PhD students or other persons with similar assignments at Uppsala University are welcome to apply for accommodation at the University Housing Office.

Uppsala University Housing Office provides housing for international students and guest researchers. When we have vacant apartments we can offer these to other student groups.

We do not have a queueing system for vacancy contracts and we apply first come, first served. We will prioritize applications for longer periods. 

If you are a student included in our main assignment for next semester, contact Uppsala University Housing Office. Do not register as a vacant applicant.

Must be the email address receiving the registration code
Should be the name on your passport
YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 1990-09-23


Since May 25, 2018 a new regulation for the processing of personal data apply. The new regulation is referred to as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and applies throughout the EU. It aims at giving you more control over your personal data by, for instance, strengthening your right to receive information about what data is processed about you and also enables you to have certain data amended, forgotten or deleted.  You do not need to take further actions after reading this; this information is provided to you to let you know how Uppsala University Housing Office (hereinafter also referred to as UUHO) processes your personal data.

Data controller of personal data

Akademihotellet AB with the company registration number 556691-6218 and address at Övre Slottsgatan 5, 753 10 Uppsala, is personal data controller, i.e. the body in charge of the processing of personal data carried out by Uppsala University Housing Office. UUHO is part of Akademihotellet AB and is located at Klostergatan 16, 753 21 Uppsala.

Purpose and legal basis of the processing of your personal data

UUHO provides and administrates accommodation for you during the time you are affiliated by agreement with Uppsala University. In order to fulfil this purpose, your personal data will be saved and processed in our customer database. Your personal data, which may also be used to satisfy a legitimate interest or to comply with a legal obligation, will be processed in order for you to be able to use our services. The data will only be stored for the time needed to fulfil that purpose. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with legislation and good conduct on the market.

Your rights

If you do not want your personal data to be processed for marketing purposes, you may notify us at any time.

You have the right to receive an extract from the register with information about what personal data we are processing about you. You also have the right to have incorrect data amended and the possibility to insist that we limit the processing of your personal data if, for example, you believe they are incorrect. You also have the right to have your personal data transferred to another company (data portability).

If you have any complaints regarding the way we process your personal data in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), you have the right to complain to us, and to the supervisory authority Swedish Data Inspection Board.

Contact us

If you wish to exercise your rights as stated above or would like to get in touch with us at Uppsala University Housing Office (UUHO) on account of our processing of your personal data, you can reach us by phoning +46 (0) 18-490 51 00 or by emailing

Find more detailed information about how your personal data is processed according to the GDPR legislation here!